Archive | June, 2012

qischuque and food

30 Jun

This month I eat a lot.. I gain weight too..sejak kursus NMR until today makan banyak..some of them masak sendiri… ada juga yang dibelanja. masak untuk farewell party, birthday party and many more. Kalau saya nampak tembam tu..faham-faham je laa..hehehe

Blackpepper chicken. I cook this for B for lunch on 6/6/12

Chilli Chicken .. I cook this for B.. B like this recipe too

My mushroom soup..I love all kind of mushrooms

Corn soup..I cook this for Bavani, Fariha and Rubini..I also invited Rose and Ina but they couldn’t make it. huhu. Beside this soup, I cook Bihun tomyam.. Fariha helps me with the tomyan..Masa beli bahan masakan kat Hock Kee Seng, terserempak plak dengan wife Dr. Munir..She refresh my memory on the corn soup recipe..the last time i cook this masakan is with mama in Sabah..masa tu saya tingkatan 3..hehe..sbb tu cam ingat tak ingat..mama pun da lama tak masak corn soup nie.. And again on that day, I eat a lot..huhu

 Beberapa hari lpas tu, Dr Ju plak belanja makan nasi arab. punya laaa sedap…

best sangat..walaupun duk smeja dengan Prof Lokman, Prof Wan Salihin and En. Zul Atfi, kami makan tanpa malu-malu..hehe..Thank you Dr. Ju a.k.a my co supervisor.

macaroni qischuque.. hehe resepi rekaan saya.. 🙂

B belanja.. kat UM masa lawat Nani

Ni B punya. tapi saya pun makan juga..hehe

Ni plak…me and B—> Steamboat..we lurve steamboat

Steamboat kami

my favorite food..sushi…yang ni tak buat sendiri.. B belanja.. 🙂

Believe it or not..I did gain weigt this month.. ada lagi gamba yang I masak spegetthi  for Ayah Ku on his birthday. tapi tak jumpa la gambar tu..huhu..and dadih yang saya n Rose buat..also tak jumpa gamba…huhu

Hmm..pasni, kena diet daa..tak lama lagi nak Raya..( puasa pun belum dah berangan nak raya..) I must look good on that day..hehe.. Gud Luck Qis!!

qischuque good nite

30 Jun

hehe..what i’m trying to say is that i really had a great night tonite.. tonite i dapat hangout with my best buddy..but b4 that, i have to fetch her at airport around 9pm. around 8:15pm, i went out oredi…..I went out a bit early coz wanted to full up the cute pinkywhitey tummy as my thank you..that cute thang really save my day last Thursday.. 🙂 Thank God.. 🙂 then i directly go to the airport to get a free strategic parking cuz i noe how it will look like if i’m late..yeah..i experienced it before..huhu…and you know what..I’m not the only person that wanted the free parking..even the guy who drove 5 series BMW menyibuk parking at birai jalan..huhu..kupik juga yer..maybe thats the reason he able to drove that kind of car..hehe.ngumpat plak..huhu..Sorry ye encik..huhu..after fetch my girlfriend, we search a place to hang out to spill everything in our mind and heart..Being with her always makes me feel better about myself.. 🙂 that’s y i love her..hehe.. while we’re dating, a guy call me from the residential college..huhu…masalah tertinggal kunci..wuwuwu..he did call me earlier but i ask him to wait cuz i have work to be done..then around 11 he call again..kami pun terpaksa la menangguh perjumpaan kami nie..kesian juga la cuz the person has to wait about 2 hours..nasib baik mereka ada program masa tu..which means they bukannya semata2 tunggu saya..kalo tak rasa bersalah saya dibuatnya..

a few minutes later..da sampai pun kat hostel. i ask rose to drop me at aliashim room since he did’t answered my phone call..huhu.lpas dapt je kunci, i cepat2 call the guy that i’m comin to the room..when i arrived in front of the room i waited for him almost 10 minutes..then waited again another 5 minutes untuk penghuni sebenar bilik tersebut sampai..rupa-rupanya, pemilik or penghuni bilik adalah perempuan..halus manis..atlit lagi…mulut pun manis..puji2 me eheh..kembang kempis hidungku….then i told the girl to be more careful next time..suddenly, the guy who called me prepared a gift for me as as a thank cuz dah tolong anak buahnya..waaa…tak pasal2 dapat hadiah pula…so..sweeetttt.

. 🙂

ok…u see y i say tonite is a good nite for me…mula2 dapat lepak with Rose..then dapat hadiah pula…ada lagi satu benda dat will make me feel good tonite..jeng jeng is not happening yet..but will happen in about 20 minutes…tau tak apemenda??? hehehe..My B comin to my home tonite…huhu..feel so happy..I miss him so much….ok..nak bersiap sambut B..yay yay..B da nak sampai..hehehe..thats all folks..may you all have a good night too.. 🙂 chow cincau..hehe

qischuque lil’ bro

27 Jun of my lil bro finally get his medical degree… Congratulation Mohd Iryan..Now 3 of us got our degree already..another 3 is coming soon.. 🙂 Me and my sis Fairuz further our studies to get the Dr. title too…hehe InsyaAllah.. pray for us k.. 🙂 I’m in my third semester now..still struggling with lab works.. Fairuz is still looking the right University for her to do her PhD..The one in her mind right now is University of Reading..well..she still looking some more..hurm…tak kisah laa mana2….as long as our research is power..hehe.. 🙂 ok..Good luck to all of us.. 🙂

Congratulation Iryan!!

tiba-tiba…….nak menyelit skit..

Program Eksplorasi Minda Blok Ibnu Majah dan Blok An- Nasa’i

23 Jun

Program Eksplorasi Minda Blok Ibnu Majah dan Blok An Nasai, Kolej Kediaman Abdul Rahman Limbong was held on June 22, 2012  at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Putrajaya and Galeria Sri Perdana, Kuala Lumpur. This program is organized by the  of  Ibn Majah Block Committee Members, An-Nasa’i Block Committee Members and Fellows  Residential College, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. The course was attended by residents of  Block Ibn Majah and An-Nasai that is active in  involvement of  activities at the college  throughout this session (2011/2012).

We really had a great time there.. Here are a few photo of us.. 😉

Penerangan oleh En. Razali

Peserta yang ceria

Peserta yang ceria

Peserta yang ceria

Peserta yang ceria

Penyampaian cenderamata oleh ketua rombongan :)

Penyampaian cenderamata oleh ketua rombongan 🙂

Jamuan Makan tengah hari oleh Kementerian Belia dan Sukan

Jamuan Makan tengah hari oleh Kementerian Belia dan Sukan

Jangan lupa baca doa sebelum makan

Jangan lupa baca doa sebelum makan

Bergambar kenangan di KBS

Bergambar kenangan di KBS

Peserta di Galeria Sri Perdana, Kuala Lumpur

Peserta di Galeria Sri Perdana, Kuala Lumpur

Tayangan about Tun Mahathir  :) Its really great to know him better and this place is one of the best place ever..

Tayangan about Tun Mahathir 🙂 Its really great to know him better and this place is one of the best place ever..

Penyampaian cenderamata to Pihak Galeria Sri Perdana

Penyampaian cenderamata to Pihak Galeria Sri Perdana

Do you smell what qischuque is cooking

6 Jun

I love cooking..especially for my B. today I cooked him beef steak..B likes it so time i cook again for u kay hun.. 🙂

Representing…my beef steak..tadaaaa…