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The Start of Something New…

7 Mar

Hello OggyWow… for the first time….I’m blogging… 🙂  well…its actually just for fun..siap announce kat FB lagi that i will be doing something new (blogging ni laa) tapi tak bgtau  pun what my “something new” tuu…….I register here 2 days ago…only today i found the place where i can type and publish.yay 🙂 …..its kinda “rumit”.. still don’t really understand how it really works..maybe it takes a week to familiar all the function for each labels (tu pun if have times la kan..)

Before i start..let me introduced myself.. 🙂 I’m Balqis..I’m still studying.(baru daftar semester baru 2 days ago..).  I’m now in my late 20’s.. I just turn 28 3 months ago… I also  just married 7 months ago..hehe..can i still call it “just married”….? married to a wonderful, gentle-hearted man. 🙂  I have two cats.. Tabby and Oggy..Tabby now lives with my grandmother (Chek) while Oggy stays with me (photo above is Oggy)  :).. Kesian Tabby.. I always wanna bring Tabby to stay with me..tapi.. can oggy be friend with tabby dan sebaliknya??..hurmm…

Okay..that it for oggy baby wants to cuddling wuddling with me……  😉