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qischuque Jan 2015

31 Jan

Assalamualaikum wbt 🙂

IMG_8126Penutup January 2015 bersama BRIF girls

Alhamdulillah… tamat sudah January 2015.. So many things cross over me this month..nice and ugly..

Firstly, My Gaussian calculation on potential energy surface scanning (PES) always crashing down… Until today, it still crashing over and over again…. Currently, I skip few of those keep crashing molecules and finish up reoptimizing other complex that is needed… My supervisor is quite busy with his meeting and discussion on university programs. I really need his Einstein brain to solve my crashing molecules problem..Nonetheless..2/3 of my gaussian calculation already completed.. Just these few final tri-species molecule left.. Can’t blame the gaussian itself…The molecule is very large..maybe, only supercomputer can solve the problem..hehehe.. Alhamdulillah…a few more left to be done.. I hope everything will went well later when I’m not around…

Secondly, my Seagate 500 GB external hard disk is dying.. The external hard disk is actually a prezzie from my bestfriend somewhere in 2009. Now that “bestfriend” is my husband…gosh… 🙂 Back on the ground… All my backup folder, files and data are in there.. The following days and weeks, I only focus on solving my external problem. google-ling solution for my external.. I even learn how to use Disk Operating System Program (DOS) to detect my external hard disk in lappy. …semuanya failed (sight..)..lastly, I sent my lappy to Pusat Teknology Maklumat (PTM) to seek the actual problem. Unfortunately, they unable to fix it and ask me to go and fix it at KL.. Then I try to send my external to computer service at batu 6, sekali lagi x berjaya… Now, they (both) suggest me to go to KL (Law yatt) if I wanted my folder/file back..they said that “people over there can do it..they have the technology.. Kat sini tak ada…tp kne sedia dalam RM1+++.00 utk 500 GB.” hohoho..why so expensive?? one of my friend told me that they have to do the task dengan sangat cermat dlm keadaan vacum.. no habuk or apa2 yg kita tak nampak ada berhampirn disk kita tu..that is y mahal.. the price increase mengikut saiz external.. dannnggg..

Thirdly, lepas external rusak, lappy pulak rosak…adeh… sakit sungguh…malang datang bertimpa2. Bukan rosak biasa..rosak besar.. it started with kelembapan laptop untuk memulakan apa2 job. If nak buka apa2, it took about 30-40 minutes to open it.The next day, bila buka laptop, keluar jenama laptop je… then kosong.. Umur laptop ni baru 1 tahun 6 bulan, jenama Lenovo. dlm laptop ni pun ada folder penting!!!!.. I dah hantar 2 kdai berbeza untuk tgk pendapat2 pakar komputer di kdai2 tersebut.. Both kdai detect the same problem which is my internal hardisk dah rosak…Apa lagi…kne ganti baru… waaaa…file dlm laptop ni lgsg tak sempat backup..sadissss.. Internal yg baru ni jenama western digital, 1 Tera. Kos baikpulih laptop adalah RM320. internal hard disk asal laptop lenovo adalah seagate….gitewww..lenovo takde internal hd sendiri rupanya..

Lastly, I failed my first interview for this year.. It really broke my heart..The interviewer seems to really likes me…. and I able to answer all the question perfectly…Yes….I really fully prepared for the interview..Panel pun puji bagai… keluar bilik temuduga dengan perasaan gembira haritu…tapi..hmmmm.. terpinga2 seketika thinking knapa gagal…Mungkin bukan rezeki di situ… susah betul nak senyum minggu tu…huhu

Kesimpulannya, bulan Januari ni dipenuhi dengan ujian dari Nya..bulan pertama tahun 2015 ni juga buat aku banyak termenung jauhhhhhhh…. Bukan termenung kosong tau…more to muhasabah diri.. I’m sure apa yang berlaku ni ada hikmahnya… Syukur juga cuz saya dianugerahkan sahabat2 yang sentiasa di sisi ketika susah dan senang..Terima kasih juga la sebab sudi layan perasaan saya yang tak berapa nak stable bulan nie..u guys rock.. luv u always BRIF girls.. 🙂


See u again in Feb 🙂

p/s: Semalam birthday Isrina….Happy Birthday to Isrina. She turns 27 this year..

My Beijing Trip Part 1

19 Nov


looks like it has been ages since the last time i post entry bout my exciting experience…I been a bit busy with conference, research and fellow’s work… Since the beginning of the new semester starts until yesterday. I took one day off today to release my stress over my precious loss…until now…i still can broke into tears when thinking about it.. 😦 Enough of the sad memory… Now, lets read my experience while i’m in Beijing….. bittersweet i guess…

The journey…

Hubby sent me to the airport (KLIA) before 9.oo pm on 12th Nov.. How I miss him badly…a short date with him on that day after three days of outstation… We went shopping at Mid Valley in the morning and surprisingly met my Beijing group, MKS students there doin some shopping too..we went home in the evening and spent our precious time together before we are seperated again..HUHUHU..hate it…wondering…when will i meet him again…..

1.30am 13 Nov 2013,

Berlepas ke Beijing…Hell yeah I love MAS…very comfortable…walaupun dapat economy class..still remember naik first class on trip to United State with family…a very long distance trip which took about 18 hours to reach Los Angelas..That was a very long time ago…Trip KL to Beijing took about 6 hours only. During the flight, we have to fill in form..


Habis isi, borak2 with my freinds Maeq Chai…..then eat sandwich then watch movies..I watch men of steel…then fall asleep few minutes later…when i woke up, the pramugari said “u want Nasi lemak or noodle with chicken?? huhu lena betul tdo..maklumlah..memang waktu tido pun..pastu sambil makan, pasang semula cerita man of steel lagi..i think ceritanya agak bosan..then i bukak tgk maklumat pasal flight kami (mcm dlm pict kat bawah nie).. screen which is located right in front of me..iaitu di belakang seat depan..ce tgk temperature….huhu..bila sentuh tingkap..memang sejukkkkk…


Sampai je airport kat Beijing…fuhhh memang sejuk… tu dlm bangunan..when we almost reach the door, kesejukan makin terasa…we all are adviced to wear jacket…apa lagi…masing2 buka beg pakai jaket…Kejakunan bermula apabila mereka-mereka semua start buat buat hembus asap rokok…hehehe..


Gambar from my view in my seat dlm bas…nampak banyak lagi daun hijau which mean…takkan jumpa salji la jawabnya… i really hope for the snow to fall but…takde rezeki..rindu main snow walaupun sejuk n menyakitkan…hehe..b4 i 4got.., pemandu pelancong kami is Anwar..he is a chinese berlagak muslim sebab pkai nama anwar.. bkn muslim pun dia and anwar is his fake name for us to call him easily tanpa berbelit2 lidah..i only notice when i saw him drink beer..hehe…lambat tul saya nie..

First stop was at Summer Palace…

Summer palace or also known as Istana musim panas was built in 1750 for Maharani Dowager Ci Xi dan gundik-gundik anakandanya, Maharaja Tongzhi ketika musim panas.Maharani Dowager known as seorang yang kuku besi dan hampir mengawal pemerintahan anaknya, sehinggalah setiap kali membuat keputusan dia akan sentiasa berada di belakang Maharaja untuk memastikan dia dapat mengawal segala perjalanan istana.

During those days, seorang perempuan tidak boleh menjadi raja untuk negara China, maka Maharani ini mengawal negara melalui anakandanya. Ada orang cakap, setiap kali Maharaja membuat sesuatu keputusan yang tidak dipersetujui oleh Maharani ini, dia akan berdehem menandakan si Maharani kuku besi itu mahukan anakandanya menukar keputusan. Maharani Dowager Ci Xi telah mengubahsuai dan mencantikkan Summer Palace berhabis-habisan sehinggalah ketika serangan kerajaan Manchu berlaku, mereka tidak dapat membeli senjata yang banyak kerana wang banyak dihabiskan untuk istana musim panas tersebut.Summer Palace berkeluasan 2.9 kilometer persegi, di mana tiga suku daripadanya adalah tasik yang dipanggil Kunming Lake.

Hmmm… menarik juga dapat melihat sendiri bukti-bukti kewujudan sejarah yang kita baca dalam buku teks Sejarah Peradaban Dunia. Kan? Want to know more?? bacalah  Wikipedia..hehe

Summer Palace

Lepas lawat Summer palace, we went to silk center… my mum pesan da jgn beli silk…so , i tak beli….lg pun coraknya tak menarik minat…if ada corak abstract memang da beli walauun dinasihatkn utk tidak membeli.yes..i ada sedikut keras kepala..thihii..the price aagak mahal jika dibandgkan dgn china silk yg pernah dijual di Giant KT suatu ketika dulu…da siap jahit da pun…baru RM70…tp..taktau la sama ada its real or coraknya….agak mengecewakan la..mcm seswai buat baju tido kain licin yg banyak dijual di pasar2 malam..hehehe..jgn marah..huhu

After that kami p melawat Peking Uiversity. FYI, Peking Uni is the number 1 /top uni in Beijing…betuah la kami dapat melawat uni tu… 🙂 sempat lagi kami bergambar with Peking’s student..:)


Later, we went for lunch…Food dsini not bad la for me since i’m a veggie lover..but to those who dont really like veggie memang starving la….lauk agak kurang sangat2…datang je makanan baru..sayur…dtg lagi makanan baru sayur juga…kemana perginya menu kambing seperti yang digembar gembur oleh mama…??? huhu..mgkin tu pakej mahal kot…or kambing pupus da kat beijing…wakakaka.. :p

After makan…we all dibawa ke kilang charcoal…saya rasa tak menarik langsung.. tempat buruk gila….kotor plak tu…semua peserta dipaksa mendengar amoi or salesgirl bumbangbumbang..dok pehe langsung gapo dia kecek,,English pronunciationnya hancur….asyik duk silap paham je apa yg disampaikan.. seperti biasa..tujuannya nak promote barang dia…..itemnya mahal…semua item kat situ boleh dibeli kat Malaysia dengan harga jauh lebih, i nasihakan agar korang tak membeli apa2 barang kat situ ok.. 🙂 peace no war.. FYI, sy makan ubat charcoal bila cirit or banyak gas dlm perut..murah pun murah cuz memang tugas charcoal menyerap kotoran/toksin dlm bdn dll…hehe.. memang berkesan..kat watson hanya RM4.80 je sepapan.. so tak heran pun dgn charcoal dia yg dapat menjernihkan air yg asalnya biru tu..hehehe..nampak mcm tak jernih sgt pun..masih biru…kecek bual sungguh amoi nie…hehe. but still…ramai juga yg membeli disitu..i’m saving my money utk shopping kat market nanti..hehe..

After Charcoal, kami dibawa ke tempat untuk tonton acrobatic show…since the time is still early, kami diberi kebebasan utk merayau rayau di kawasan sekitar…apa lg..brlakon jd model la kjap…gmbar bnyak dengan member…yg ada dlm cam sediri r one of the pict…vendor machine utk pinjam buku..kat Malaysia takda nie…hehe


Around 5.30pm..acrobatic magic show start..boleh tahan la kefleksibelan bdak2 tu..bdak2 laki dapat cuci mata la kot..hehe…we all got  front row apa2 je mesti derang pegi dekat penonton seat depan sampai i da jd bahan lawak da…ye la…tak faham apa yg dia suh wat..apa lagi…syok la si Encik Luqman Abu Bakar ketawakan saya..hampeh.. Kata our tourist guide, pesembahan yg we all tgk tak berapa menarik sangat ..meby cuz of penonton takde…ye laaa… 2 group je yg tengok…lebih kurang 3 row je penonton..apa2 pun, we all njoy da show yg tak seberapa itu..hehe After acobatic show, e all dibawa ke restoran makan malam for dinner..and again..veggie……yay…dlm hati…kurus la aku nanti…yay…i makan veggie macam mkn ayam sampai kawan yg tak makan veggie pun jadi macam nak makan..hehe…well…i’am wellknown for that…thihihihi..

OK, after dinner baru la dibawa ke hotel n check in..Masa tu sangat ingat pesan hubby iaitu, pinjam traveler adapter dgn hotel je…hotel ada..takyah sibuk apa lg..i pinjam la..n memang dapat macam saya sorang je yg pinjam hehe..lpas check in, i buat apa2 yg patut.. then kami turun semula utk jalan2 sekitar hotel..ada shopping mall berhampiran..I shine city nama mall, kami jalan-jalan n lepak situ sampai lenguh kaki… pulang je ke hotel, terus mandi2 sambil berwayang kulit, air no hal la bab2 mandi walaupun temperature agak rendah..  then, i prepare stuff  like my baju, seluar dll for tomorrow.then solat siap2..baring….then tdo…ZZZZzzzzzzz… what a tiring day……. to b continue for Day 2 and so on in Beijing Part 2

qischuque loves December

31 Dec

December is my favorite month…cuz  I wuz born this month..December is the last month of every year…the month where people will summarized what have they done or contribute trough out the year..the month that the Christian celebrate Christmas…the month where winter solstice happened and many more…I was born on Monday 5th Dec 1983 in the afternoon at 12.33pm…in the city of  Kuala Lumpur.. My mom said  the clinic that she gave birth to me is near SOGO..hehe.. these are a few old photos of me when i was a baby n kid.


Cukur …My Papa holding me 🙂 Look at my papa punya rambut then tengok gambar bawah..


si kerinting..hehe


I got Papa’s hair..hehe.. Nasib baik makin besar makin ok je rambut..wavey je 🙂

me 4 yrs

me 4 years old 🙂

cepatkan masa berlalu..


So…this year (2012) is my last year of  the 20th.hoho.i’m in my very very late 20th da nie.. Syukur Alhamdulillah that I’m still here on earth healthy and happy.. This is my second birthday with my hubby tiger.. like last year..again..i’m celebrating it here in my very own room at Siswa College of Abdul Rahman Limbong. Ehh… tunggu jap… i have one more year la to be in my 20th..hehehe


my 28th birthday (2011)

Surprise Birthdays

This year was  my third birthday that was celebrated in surprises mode.. haha… my surprise birthday started  when I start living in hostel. Ye laa.. kalau kat rumah susah nak surprise kan…huhu..staying far away with family  has bring lots of experience and adventure in my life..also make me  feel like an adult. hehe now I am an adult..hehe..jiwa muda sungguh..rasa cam teenage lagiii…hehehe

 The first  surprise birthday that I had was when I turn 18..i was in KML.. ..i was showered wift beautiful gift from my schoolmate that doing matriks in Labuan with me..i really had a great time..I miss them very much.. Nur, Karen , Anie and Aggy..We are the only 5 Francisscan yang tersesat di Labuan..hehehe..

2nd one was in 2010…it was my 27th birthday…memang terkena habis… The masterplan was my bestfriend Rose.. pandai betul dia..she was trying to cheering me up that day..i was having a bad day masa tu..and mention many time to myself that I will not goin out anywhere today…nope…sbenarnya majuk dengan someone masa tu cuz tak dapat spend time with me on my special day..hehe..hehe..gedik and mengada-ngada sungguh..hehe..but it end up with me smiling the whole night.…all bad feeling flew away like a dust…hehehe.. Thanks to Rose, Jabar, Ain and Maliki for making it happened.. fariha was with me too on that day..


Me, Fariha and Ain


My 27th Birthday 🙂


Thanks for the surprise party 🙂 (2010)

3rd one was on my 29th birthday….sangat surprise…tak sangka hubby ku berpura-pura dengan ku bersubahat dengat Ayah Ku and my friends…dah la tengah hot n moody juga masa tu…cuz have to amik samples kat lab and buat kerja..sedangkan  hubby ada kat bilik.. and I can’t spent time with him sbb kbzian yang melanda..on that very bz moment, I ask my hubby to help me in the lab.. punya laaa.lama tunggu tiger B nie..huhu..sampai sume kerja da siap, baru la B sampai…huhu..Kalau semua da siap..apa lagi.. pegi makan je la jawabnya..lagipun da tengahari.pukul satu.. Masa dalam kereta my hubby said ayahku ajak lunch kat kdai longkang.. then I said…owh..lama da tak pegi sana…da la panas terik ni..huhu..feel like so malas nak mkn..Then hubby said kena amik Isrina dulu kat hostel..then I was like..”okay..mesti ina ada urusan kat pejabat asrama”…bila sampai asrama .. I saw camry.. then I was like”eh..kereta ayahku.. mesti sebab B lambat sampai ayahku datang and nak amik Ina..Then I start bebel about time management..hehe..kbetulan my hubby lambat sampai lab to help me finish my work..hehe..Kesian hubby ku..hehe…no wonder dia senyum2 je masa tu..eeeee.. >_<…

Then B cakap…gi la tengok Ina kat bilik..Then I said..”ok B..u wait here”.. than I saw Isrina jalan from right wing to the lft wing of the hostel.. I call her and she was just smiling selebar lebarnya… Dalam hatiku berkata…nampak happy ina harini..hehe..Then I jalan slow2 towards Ina’s room bila hampir sampai.. I saw fariha with Canon EOS Kiss hanging around her neck..Fariha plak macam terkejut Nampak me…but I still tak rasa apa2 until I push the door..haha..there was a birthday cake on the coffee table…there was lots of food and drinks too… Then I was like..” OOOOOOOOOo…..kedai longkang konon..hahaha”..wakena beb…B pun datang dengan Ayahku…masa tu my perasaan bercapur baur happy, marah, malu, suka, nak nangis sume ada.. Apa lagi…all my love one sang me birthday songs..after the song ends..i make a wish and blew the candle and theI cut the cake into a few pieces… all my friends bz took my picture bagaikan paparazzi..hehehe.. Anywayz… Thanks you guys… wat a great surprise birthday party.. Hugs and kisses..

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My 29th birthday–5th Dec 2012

below plak my 25th and 26th Birthday 🙂 wow..dah jadi page gambar birthday sepanjang menjadi seorang postgraduate plak..hehe


My 25th birthday.. Sambut skali dengan Rose punya farewell party..she had to attend KPLI course at Besut.. I cried almost a week seeing she leaving me all alone here in UMT..huhu


yummy 🙂 (2008)


dari kiri; Dr. Juriffah, Roslidawati, Pok Mad and my sis fizah comel 🙂


Sedih cuz Rose nak tinggalkan saya.. 😥

Below plak birthday masa 2009.. Celebrate skali dengan Ain.. Ain punya birthday falls on the 13th December.. YES..we share the same zodiac.. 🙂


My 26th birthday 🙂 (2009)

Haa..tu dia… 25th, 26th,27th,28th and 29th Birthday…One more year to go before i hit 30..

From Rose

Wishes from Rose 🙂

besday kak qis

Wishes from Fariha

Lastly…. I would like to wish Happy New Year 2013!!!

qischuque love oggy so much

16 Sep

I don’t know how to start my sad story here..i never been this sad in my whole life before…I just lost ..something that i love the most with all my is my  oggy baby.. :'(. Until today, i still have no power to control my tears whenever I talks about oggy…

My dear oggy baby passed away on the 8th September 2012 at Dr. Nor veterinary clinic at 5.30pm. I thought i will meet my healthy oggy one week after sending her to vet..I can’t believe that oggy very first day there was also the last day of her living with the same dimension with me here on earth.. No words can describe how much i miss oggy..only my tear drops can explain everything..I really miss her…and this feeling is very painful…I miss you oggy …i miss you so much…

On the 8th Sept morning…i put oggy in her house box..I think oggy knew that everytime I put her in that house means that she will be riding a car heading to veterinary clinic. On that very same morning..I saw oggy drank the fresh water that i put in a bowl for her..I feel very relieve seeing oggy start drinking again after 4 or 5 days no eating or drinking..I also feels that there is a hope to see oggy healthy and strong like she used to be..But the way she walks always bring tears to my eyes.. Oggy back feets is always wet..I don’t know why and where the liquid  came from..that morning, I mandikan oggy from her pinggang until ekor with warm water. Then I dried her up using my bath towel and help her grooming her fur since she seems tak mampu nak jilat because of her tummy yang montel.. I put dry shampoo powder and “lap” her fur and spray oggy with her cute colonge. the cologne is made just for is not a human cologne. Oggy smells nice and looks cute too.She smells like a baby…She seems happy and starts purring while i comb he body and neck..She even roll around showing her tummy..wanting me to comb her tummy…. I feel very happy at that moment seeing oggy nak bermanja with me walaupun tgh sakit.. i kiss her cute face many times and i also kepit manja oggy’s ear and pull it with my lips like i use to do everytime i’m cuddling wuddling with her..Bahagia rasanya hati ini pada waktu itu..lebih bahagia apabila oggy akhirnya dibawa berjumpa dengan REAL veterinary Doctor dari KL..

Around 9.++ am, we arrived at the clinic..I took oggy out of the  car and bring her into the clinic and later took her out from her house box..Oggy seems tenang and doesn’t make any noise. the doctor mengurut urut perut oggy…Doktor cakap..”kerasnya perut dia”..oggy senyap je semasa diurut Dr.. qis renung mata oggy  yg tgh senyap….she actually looking down starring at the floor..her face monyok like the one in the picture that i took on the 7th night of Sept. (takmo upload..sedih..) Dr. said that maybe there is a dead kitten inside oggy’s tummy…I feel a bit relieve because it was sumthing that i know it can be solve. The Dr. wants to operate oggy and i just let the Dr. do what is the best for oggy..I sempat tengok oggy kena inject at her neck..a few minutes later oggy start to muntah..I start to worry but the Dr.says that its normal..all cat that take this shots will muntah.. I waited until oggy fells asleep..and that was actually her last sleeping face……

I think i have to stop writing for a eyes…ku menangis lagi…. 😥 its her 5th day and i still can’t accept the lost.. :'(.. kejap lagi meeting Felo..I must look good and normal.. my eyes pun kena nampak biasa..dah la kena chair meeting jap strong okay strong…..

9.00pm 12 sept 2012.


16 sept 2012

today i feel a bit better since my hubby come all away from KL to be with me.. About Oggy…actually oggy is suffering pembengkakkan at her was kesinambungan when she keguguran last time..The Dr. at bukit kecil didn’t clean it properly.. he just inject oggy so that oggy has the feeling to push out all of her dead babies.. rasa frust to the max….if only i knew it earlier, awal2 dah buang peranakan oggy…kesian oggy… Oggy baby.. I miss you so much.. i always ter nampak like it was u eating at the bowl or sleeping on the floor in my room… bila 2 kali pandang, it was my handbag…..terasa kosong jiwa seketika…balik from office, mata pandang2 kat lobby..teringat kat oggy yang slalu lepak bersama kakak2 cleaner kat situ…semua tempat kat hostel nampak oggy tgh buat guling2..termenung…jilat bulu…macam org gila da qis nie… kakak2 cleaner also terasa kehilangan Oggy…semua terkejut bila qis cakap oggy dah takde…

my dear oggy baby….really hope to see u again someday.. I miss u so much.. 🙂

love n miss u oggy

qischuque & Oggy ….part 1

7 Sep

I’m so depressed everytime i watch oggy scratching her litter box.I know oggy will feel the same. I don’t know what happend inside her little tummy..she try to poop..and the results is negative…susahnya hati ini…I hate to see her suffering..She seems helpless day by day..She doesn’t response to my call anymore..The only thing I can do is to love her as much as i could..

When i starred oggy, she starred back..her face is not the face that i used to see..Her stare seem like full with deep meaning..worst part..she doen’t want to sleep on my arm anymore..

Two days ago i brought oggy to Veterinary clinic in Batu Rakit…its our first time there..sebelum ni slalu pergi Bukit Kecil. Serik rasanya bawak oggy ke veterinar bukit kecil after the this time we try Batu Rakit pula.After injection and some medication at the clinic, i bring back Oggy to my room with a big hope..unluckily..until today..Oggy still facing dificulty in pooping…the worst part is Oggy doesnt wants to eat or drinks anymore.

I cry badly last nite when Oggy don’t want to eat or drink anything. When i tried to feed her medicine, she muntah and her tongue seems licking her own nose over and over again.I don’t know what else to do…and all i wanted was my hubby to be with me to help Oggy.

This morning i try to search and study what is actually happened to oggy…I went through web by web..typing “cat doens’t poop”..”cat won’t pooping” and many more that related with cat and poop..most of the web end up with How to train cat poop in litter box..hampa seketika.. Then I search some more spending the whole morning searching..I read peoples comment about cat have difficulty in pooping and finally there was one guy say that the symptom is called intestinal blockage. When i type the word in the search engine..i get positive results..I read one by one..the symptom really match oggy’s problem..Finally..itulah penyakit oggy.. at least i know sumthing when i bring oggy to vet tomorrow..

Talking bout vet clinic pulak.., i spent the whole night yesterday searching for Swasta Veterinary Clinic.. Its really hard to find one in the web .balik2 keluar yang kerajaan punya..kecewa la dengan keadaan kerajaan punya vet clinic here in ganu walaupun ubat murah..Tak kisah la if they nak “up” kan harga to buat a better clinic…Kat negeri lain, tak pasti la pulak camana keadaannya.huhu..okay..sambung cerita..I went to “Kami Pencinta Kucing”(KPK) facebook website  and search some more since they have listed all veterinary clinic in Malaysia.tapi tetap hampa..they even mention that there are no clinic haiwan swasta in Terengganu…Tiba-tiba tergerak hati nak baca all the comment below the vet clinic list.Seems like i’n not the only person searching for the clinic swasta tu..ramai rupanya..hehe..Then I found this one comment mention about Dr. Nor Veterinary Clinic in Gong Kapas…Gembira seketika..Then I read some more and I found another one in Batu Burok iaitu Dr. Lee Vet clinic..Cukup da dua clinic tu.. 🙂 Yang Dr.Nor clinic tu siap ada blog lagi.. 🙂

I go dapatkan oggy who is sleeping on her tummy on the couch..and I kiss her…and telling oggy to wait a little bit more. Then oggy start purring and the sound makes me smile..I pat oggy and brush her hair and clean her montot. And later oggy start turning over seperti menyuruh sikat fur oggy kat bahagian belly..Terasa bahagia seketika…Sambil petting sambil pikir tomorrow’s plan..sewa kete?? what time nak btolak..nak letak oggy dalam apa??huhu..poket agak kering..elaun tak masuk2 laagi..aduyai..and the worst part…driving licence tamat tempoh..bertambah2 kacau jiwa ku seketika..

In my head ada Rose sorang je…takde sape dah yg bisa membantu esok..berdebar sangat masa nak tanya rose kalau-kalau dia ada kat terengganu or not..takut dia takde je since dia always outstation…After a few seconds…Rose reply..dia kat ganu and free je esok..hati ini pun melonjak kegembiraan.. Then I told Rose the situation..Rose pun decide will pick me up depan hostel esok at 830am in da morning..Syukur Alhamdulillah..Tiba-tiba teringat sangkar kucing kat luar rumah kak Nur kat dapur..decide to pinjam from her.. Kak Nur pun cakap”ok..pinjamla..tapi qis kena cuci skit..agak kotor”..huhu..takpe..kotor pun kotor la..sys kan seorang yang rajin..benda2 kotor memang takde masalah untuk dibersihkan.. 😉 ..Ramainya orang sayang and nak tolong oggy… I decide to left oggy there for the whole week..Biarla habis duit simpanan pun asalkan oggy sihat semula..To me..Oggy is not a pet but part of me and my family..Bila oggy sakit je..diri ini pun terasa sakitnya..anything happen to oggy will effect me too..Didoakan semoga Oggy cepat sembuh and back to normal..I really miss playing and sleeping with u..miss when u chasing me every petang when i arrive hostel..and miss being followed by you when I wanna go meeting , buy food or doing laundry…Miss every moment our fun time together.. Get well soon my baby..Hoping for miracle to happen tomorrow..

qischuque surprise

23 Jul

19 July 2012

Well…2  days passed after our 1st anniversary.. I haven’t had any chance to met my B on the actual date since he berkursus which took about 1 month to finish it has been quite a long time since the last time I met my B..which is almost three weeks ago..huhu..on that special date is the day where I was supposed to be in Vietnam.. It’s a Internationalization program for Residential College Council..Well I’am their Penasihat.

Okay …back to this entry..its not about my research or’s about another wonderful nite that I had with my beloved B..I just arrive KL from B take me home that nite to be with my family..But before we arrived home.. he took me to this wonderful place called Pullman. It is one of a high class hotel in Putrajaya. B wants to have dinner there, so I just agree and have to cancel my diet for my cute B..I won’t let my honey bunny eat alone..dah la jarang jumpa kan… so.. I ordered kteow gingerbeef.. I order it since I heard Ayah Ku mentioned about it a few time.. about that menu which he always ate at Pok Wan kopitiam. Kebetulan its on the menu…so I ordered it..lagi pun k teow seems not quite heavy food compared to I right..?? When I order that menu, B ask me..dont you want to order salmon..its ur favorite food kan…?? Then I say..”hmmm…takkan nak order 2 main dish kot..huhu..takpe la..nak makan kteow je malam ni..kat rumah pun ada makan ringan2 ok la kot..”B pun cakap..”nevermind..i oder salmon k sayang..nanti boleh makan Shuk punya”..hehe..Hmm..tu la B.. suka buat orang makan banyak..but it was a good idea..hehehe.

After half an hour of exchanging stories, jokes and laughter, the food sampai..mak oiii.. kteow nya..macam bukit..macm mana nak makan nasi kat rumah nie…?? huhu.. so banyak..and another few minutes, B’s Salmon pun sampai..B’s dishes looks delicious..mesti laa..ada Salmon kan…yummy.. I just love salmon.. when everything was on the table, B pun baca doa makan..kami pun makan…

Burrppp..kenyang..time for dessert.. B ask me to order pencuci mulut..but my tummy can’t accept anymore food.. B pun about this choc cake with ice cream on top…?? I just geleng kepala with duck mouth..” dah kenyang la B..kat rumah ada makanan lagi..huhuhu..B pun jawap..”ok sayang.. Shuk nak gi toilet jap..sakit perut tiba-tiba..” qis pun cakap..”overload da kot perut tu..hehehe”.. B pun giggles and pergi..leaving me alone with my camera..i start to look around to catch a glaze of beautiful tasik and three tall building on the other side of the was nice scene and the night breeze was cool  and I feel tenang after my tiring day in the lab..

Few minutes berlalu…B is coming..with his big smile..and I smile back..then he sit and put something on the table. It was a long red bekas and a card he made his was so sweet.. so I start to guess the must be a expensive pen..i took the picture of it first before opening the present.

Then I opened the red box..i was surprised..i look at B and smile and hug him and suddenly my eyes burst in happy tears….terharu.. I remembered that I once told him after one night my mom hadiakan me gold ring somewhere in May or June at Kelantan. I told him that I have everything already for myself..except gelang kaki..takde niat langsung nak minta…huhu..

In late june, B mention he want to give me Samsung Galaxy S III or I Phone or Galaxy note for anniversary present.all I have to do is just choose…but I tolak everything.. I told him my phone still doin good and I don’t need a new one… I just want you to be with me.. J I told him to save the money for our dream house..hehe tp tak sangka..he still surprised me.. Thank you so much B.. I only surprised him with my fancy card which took me 4 days to make one..hehehe..rumit tau the card..that is why it took that long to create one..hehe..

B..tq for the beautiful night.. Alhamdulillah….


Kuey Teow Ginger Beef


me & B

so sweet

Thank You Sayang

B pakaikan 🙂

more photo…

Thanks again for the wonderful nite.. I love you Hun 🙂

One Year of qischuque

17 Jul

One year of holding hands
One year of hugging,
One year of laughing,
One year of cuddling.

One year of loving
One year of kissing
One year of touching
One year of romancing.

One year of your love
One year of my love,
One year of our love
One year of true love.

Baby one year with you
Is a year of happiness,
A year of passion,
A year of joy,
A year blessed.

One year of Happily Ever After

Happy 1st Anniversary

Shukri & Balqis

Endless Love

qischuque in history

16 Jul

16 July 2012..

Hey..this date is so familiar…kenapa ye….dejavu ke?? hehe…dah tau tp buat buat tak tau plak..kalo ade adik kat sebelah, mesti I dah kena hempuk da…hehe..ya…ya….. its my special date..yap..another special date for me besides birthdays..

This date is our anniversary date..Cant believed it has been a year..Hmm..baru setahun jagung many things yang masih perlu accept new make both family happy, to adapt the new environment, to be the best person for my beloved hubby, to be there for everybody that I love and many  more..lagi-lagi hubungan kami yang jarak jauh ni..tak ubah seperti kekasih. Speaking of n hubby are granted with young looking babyface.. (tau daa..mesti ada yang nak temuntah nie..hehehe) when kami berjalan-jalan pegang tangan and pinggang, peoples sekeliling cam pandang semacam..ingat kami ni kekasih muda remaja yang tak tau batas pergaulan takpe la..everything has pro and con kan..hehe..okay..back to marriage thing…

Seriously.. being a wife is not as easy as u think!! Especially when u r the first born princess in the family.. and my hubby..he was the first born prince n his family..being the eldest in the sibling carries so many responsibility. Beside, the other siblings depend on us whenever they in trouble, need help, even when they need big opinions for big decision dan juga advices. They really do respect us the eldest…so kami anak-anak sulong must berikan imej yang terbaik for them. Since both of us are the first born child in our family, understanding is the most important factor to remain the HEA (Abah,2011)..apa tu HEA? HEA tu Hapily Ever After ler..hehehe not just us..but the whole family member juga kena understand….Tambah lagi satu tanggungjawab… my studies…I’m in my fourth semester already..please everyone..Especially mom and dad.. Pray for my success please.. Mencabar minda, perasaan,  jiwa dan raga buat PhD nie…

Hmm…what to do eh on this date..just doin regular routine iaitu labworks..My B tgh kursus… I plak, actually supposed to be in Vietnam ni.. Jumpa NC in person last week about this Vietnam trip..He seems happy and proud with us when he read the proposal and its summary during MPU meeting and our meet up. Tapi..disebabkan kekangan staf..we have to postponed our trip..maybe after raya….If I know this trip not going to happen..I da balik putrajaya da jumpa B and celebrate our special day nie..

Lalalalala..nak cerita apa yer…haaa..jom imbas kembali pada 16th july 2011.. According to this one physicist named Morgan Freeman, he said we can travel to the future not past..Einstein pun kalo nak ke masa yang da lepas, kita tutup mata n imagine je la..tak pun tgk picture..hehehe.. Jom.. ikot saya ke masa lalu…flashback..flashback…

Tadaaa… photo above shows the document that I need to send to Tok Imam tempat saya.. So many doct that need to be everything went well..Semua yang dibuat adalah last minute..Kursus kawin pun was done three weeks before our wedding.. and the date pun decide around two weeks before wedding..lpas dapat the best tarikh, terus cetak card cepat-cepat. Ye la..masa suntuk..hehe..macam kawin main-main plak buat everything last minute..My supervisor pun worry tgk saya…apatah lagi my parents..hehe..My supervisor asyik bagi cuti suh saya balik uruskan segalanya..Lepas all documents are settle, kad pun da siap.. kad pun diedar..

                                          Makanan guna catering mama handle the food.. RM 10 sekepala..semua orang puji about the food..kira puas hati laa…semua orang pun makan banyak..hehe.. Beside catering, kami ada tambah 5 ekor kambing..Kambing tu kegemaran, wajib ada..

tengok kepala kambing tu..da lupa what happened to all the kepala.. masak juga ke eh?? confuse seketika..hurmm…

urusan tengok, pilih kambing dibantu oleh auntie and uncle saya yang duk kat Ipoh..urusan memasak kambing plak dihandle oleh my nenek  “Chek”.hehe

Cousin-cousin semua pun ada..membantu apa yang patut..Uncle ku Ayahchik pun nampak gembira and ceria..Susah sangat nak tengok dia happy..tapi pada hari tersebut, hi is always smiling and mem bz kan diri and join the crowd..hehehe

Below is pict of my grandmother..posing with my ex-car..hehe.. I dah bagi semula kat Ayahchik the car. Well, Papa yang bagi sebenarnya..Saya belanja cat kereta je..hehe..seronok tengok Ayahchik happy..I will always take care of you no matter what happened..

Chek yang disayangi selalu.. sayang chek.. My grandma ni suka sangat bergambar.. Pantang tengok lensa cucu like nenek..Boleh tak gitu..hehehehe

Gambar seterusnya…………..Bunga bunga rose saya.. Combination of dark pink roses and pale pink roses with white roses..My favorite color.. look bright and girlie.. Cantik tak..pilihan me and mama..susah tau nak pilih..habis satu Kota Bharu kami survey. Nasib baik ada mama..sangat banyak membantu.. Thank you mama. My pelamin looks beautiful.. semua orang pun cakap cantik..nampak simple nice and exclusive gitu.. hehe puas hati sangat…. 🙂

Doorgift…..hehe..doorgift yang kami sediakan pun simple je..sesuai la dengan majlis kami iaitu MAJLIS KESYUKURAN..Kat Kelantan ada perbezaan between majlis kesyukuran and walimatulurus…for more info, boleh la tanya mana-mana ore kelate ataupun orang Terengganu..hehe ….. the cupcakes are for children. The bakul kaca besar for grown up and the bekas kaca heart shape and oval shape are for friends.. Suka sangat  bekas ni semua..Happy to give something that I like to all our tetamu..

Walaupun mahal skit tapi puas hati cuz nampak exclusive..hehe.  Bekas kaca besar ada telor, yang heart and oval shape ada choclairs and cupcakes plak ada perisa vanila and chocolate. AJK doorgift pada hari kejadian was my two lil’sis..Lin and Girl..Thanks semua yang hadir pada Majlis Kesyukuran saya..  🙂

Gambar kat bawah plak was taken bila pelamin da siap pasang..semua posing-posing dengan baju tidor..hehehehe

Biasala kan..first time pelamin dipasang dirumah..hehehe…ok..snap..snap..snap..

saya pun nak posing juga..saat-saat akhir bergelar single ataupun bujang..hehe Miss Balqis

Lepas posing puas-puas..tiba la masanya untuk berinai..bukan saya sorang je pakai sis, cousin sume pakat pakai inai..tak ketinggalan adik and cousin lelaki..siap buat corak ala-ala tatu plak lukis gambar macam2..Inai tiub la katakan..boleh la nak funny bila imbas balik..hehehe

Lin and Girl

Mine, Lin’s and Girl’s …

Done…pnatnya berinai ni..tak boleh gerak sebarangan..huhu. nanti rosak plak..Amacam?? Nampak berseri tak bakal pengantin nie..hehehe :p

Below is the chosen photo during my Big day..

Ni Fizah..Behind her is Rose..watching me make up oleh Leuniey.

Mak andam saya nie..muda lagi..tapi berbakat..Cantik tak??  Macam pernah tengok tak?.. she is the girl in iklan perfume Simply Siti ..

tadaaaaaa….da siap make up..

Ayah Ku and Family pun datang.. My supervisor nie.. Now supervise me doing PhD..

Me and friends

The pict that I love the most ❤

My bestfriend…Roslidawati Ramli

The food….Believe it or not..I didn’t eat at all that day..kat meja pengantin pun makan untuk posing je walaupun makanan di order dari Four Season Restaurant which is my fav restaurant…huhuhu

Keluarga angkat dari Pahang.. Ma, Buyat, Adam and Kak Lia.. Family Rose nie..hehe

Abah Rose, Abg Emy and Adam

So many pict that I want to share… Maybe in another entry…Gambar Dr. Munir and family tak jumpa plak..huhu..maybe in my bro’s external hard disk. Gambar set2 jejaka berinai lukis tatoo pun tak jumpa..huhuhu..Rindunya zaman Raja Sehari nie.. Feels like a famous movie star…hehe everyone wanna took pict with me..hehe all i do on that day is posing n posing n posing..hehehehe

And when the sky is getting dark..and maghrib pun telah berlalu, tiba la masanya acara buka hadiah..So many presents that I got..kalah my birthday party masa kecik-kecik dulu.. The whole dapur are full with hadiah..hehe..Tq semua for the wonderful wedding gifts..

Sempat lagi kami adik beradik posing pakai my wedding dresses..hehe

Posing lagi……hehehe…the year that kami adik beradik semuanya ada berkumpul bersama..Masa ni Yan tinggal setahun lagi pengajiannya di Russia..Bila Yan balik, Lin pula pergi oversea sambung study..

My hubby seems so happy.. I’m finally became the girl of his live..Semoga Allah S.W.T berkati kami selalu.l

Acara membuka hadiah beramai-ramai diteruskan sepanjang malam..tetamu pun masih ada lagi yang datang. Makanan pun ada lagi kat bawah khemah untuk sesiapa yang datang lewat sebab ada urusan yang tak dapat dielakkan including my tukang jahit, Kak Dah..hehe The whole family really had a tiring but memorable day.. This was actually the family’s first wedding not just for my family but also to my grandma and all my uncles and aunt. Ok laa…enough of flashback…kembali ke zaman 2012.

wow..back all alone in my room at Kolej Kediaman..

What i feel right now is I really miss my hubby.. I miss u Biey…

qischuque BlUeS

3 Jul


today merupakan hari yang buzy buat ku. semalam, i’ve done something to my fridge. punya laa semalaman rasa menyesal tak today i decide to hantar kedai to fix it.nasib baik tanya ayah Ku dulu..actually..we can’t just took out govt properties out of it place just like that..even bawa keluar untuk hantar baiki…we have to write letter to pihak atasan
..hmm..rumitkan..?? ada satu lagi cara yang boleh digunakan jika barang hak milik gov ni kes untuk dalam UMT jer..kalau kat luar, I’m not really sure la….hehe.Rupanya…..Just ikot prsedur biasa jer..lorrr…y i didn’t think of that at all..yikes…..hmm..first..Isi borang kerosakan..then hantar..then orang teknikal will come and see what actually and why…then they will report to pengurus for the next tindakan..if the staff doesn’t have the equipment to fix it..then, they will ask driver to bawa frotier..angkut peti..hantar kedai and biar kedai yang baiki…begitu laa prosedurnya…kenapa laa saya boleh tak terfikir..huhu.

Ini laaaa petinya..Jom cari kat mana tempat yang rusak tu…huhu

Jumpa tak …if not scroll ke bawah…

That the tiny hole…so small but big impact…no more icy cold water to sad… :(’s PKP ‘s fault..sape suh bagi peti camni..old fashion..kjap2 kena defrost..bila da tak sabar ni la jd nya…huhuhu dah la almost cedera terkena freon gas.

Ni la barang yang digunakan untuk merosakkan peti ku next time..jangan sesekali use sharp object kay…huhu tekan defrost sudaaa..

qischuque lil’ bro

27 Jun of my lil bro finally get his medical degree… Congratulation Mohd Iryan..Now 3 of us got our degree already..another 3 is coming soon.. 🙂 Me and my sis Fairuz further our studies to get the Dr. title too…hehe InsyaAllah.. pray for us k.. 🙂 I’m in my third semester now..still struggling with lab works.. Fairuz is still looking the right University for her to do her PhD..The one in her mind right now is University of Reading..well..she still looking some more..hurm…tak kisah laa mana2….as long as our research is power..hehe.. 🙂 ok..Good luck to all of us.. 🙂

Congratulation Iryan!!

tiba-tiba…….nak menyelit skit..