Archive | September, 2012

qischuque love oggy so much

16 Sep

I don’t know how to start my sad story here..i never been this sad in my whole life before…I just lost ..something that i love the most with all my is my  oggy baby.. :'(. Until today, i still have no power to control my tears whenever I talks about oggy…

My dear oggy baby passed away on the 8th September 2012 at Dr. Nor veterinary clinic at 5.30pm. I thought i will meet my healthy oggy one week after sending her to vet..I can’t believe that oggy very first day there was also the last day of her living with the same dimension with me here on earth.. No words can describe how much i miss oggy..only my tear drops can explain everything..I really miss her…and this feeling is very painful…I miss you oggy …i miss you so much…

On the 8th Sept morning…i put oggy in her house box..I think oggy knew that everytime I put her in that house means that she will be riding a car heading to veterinary clinic. On that very same morning..I saw oggy drank the fresh water that i put in a bowl for her..I feel very relieve seeing oggy start drinking again after 4 or 5 days no eating or drinking..I also feels that there is a hope to see oggy healthy and strong like she used to be..But the way she walks always bring tears to my eyes.. Oggy back feets is always wet..I don’t know why and where the liquid  came from..that morning, I mandikan oggy from her pinggang until ekor with warm water. Then I dried her up using my bath towel and help her grooming her fur since she seems tak mampu nak jilat because of her tummy yang montel.. I put dry shampoo powder and “lap” her fur and spray oggy with her cute colonge. the cologne is made just for is not a human cologne. Oggy smells nice and looks cute too.She smells like a baby…She seems happy and starts purring while i comb he body and neck..She even roll around showing her tummy..wanting me to comb her tummy…. I feel very happy at that moment seeing oggy nak bermanja with me walaupun tgh sakit.. i kiss her cute face many times and i also kepit manja oggy’s ear and pull it with my lips like i use to do everytime i’m cuddling wuddling with her..Bahagia rasanya hati ini pada waktu itu..lebih bahagia apabila oggy akhirnya dibawa berjumpa dengan REAL veterinary Doctor dari KL..

Around 9.++ am, we arrived at the clinic..I took oggy out of the  car and bring her into the clinic and later took her out from her house box..Oggy seems tenang and doesn’t make any noise. the doctor mengurut urut perut oggy…Doktor cakap..”kerasnya perut dia”..oggy senyap je semasa diurut Dr.. qis renung mata oggy  yg tgh senyap….she actually looking down starring at the floor..her face monyok like the one in the picture that i took on the 7th night of Sept. (takmo upload..sedih..) Dr. said that maybe there is a dead kitten inside oggy’s tummy…I feel a bit relieve because it was sumthing that i know it can be solve. The Dr. wants to operate oggy and i just let the Dr. do what is the best for oggy..I sempat tengok oggy kena inject at her neck..a few minutes later oggy start to muntah..I start to worry but the Dr.says that its normal..all cat that take this shots will muntah.. I waited until oggy fells asleep..and that was actually her last sleeping face……

I think i have to stop writing for a eyes…ku menangis lagi…. 😥 its her 5th day and i still can’t accept the lost.. :'(.. kejap lagi meeting Felo..I must look good and normal.. my eyes pun kena nampak biasa..dah la kena chair meeting jap strong okay strong…..

9.00pm 12 sept 2012.


16 sept 2012

today i feel a bit better since my hubby come all away from KL to be with me.. About Oggy…actually oggy is suffering pembengkakkan at her was kesinambungan when she keguguran last time..The Dr. at bukit kecil didn’t clean it properly.. he just inject oggy so that oggy has the feeling to push out all of her dead babies.. rasa frust to the max….if only i knew it earlier, awal2 dah buang peranakan oggy…kesian oggy… Oggy baby.. I miss you so much.. i always ter nampak like it was u eating at the bowl or sleeping on the floor in my room… bila 2 kali pandang, it was my handbag…..terasa kosong jiwa seketika…balik from office, mata pandang2 kat lobby..teringat kat oggy yang slalu lepak bersama kakak2 cleaner kat situ…semua tempat kat hostel nampak oggy tgh buat guling2..termenung…jilat bulu…macam org gila da qis nie… kakak2 cleaner also terasa kehilangan Oggy…semua terkejut bila qis cakap oggy dah takde…

my dear oggy baby….really hope to see u again someday.. I miss u so much.. 🙂

love n miss u oggy

qischuque & Oggy ….part 1

7 Sep

I’m so depressed everytime i watch oggy scratching her litter box.I know oggy will feel the same. I don’t know what happend inside her little tummy..she try to poop..and the results is negative…susahnya hati ini…I hate to see her suffering..She seems helpless day by day..She doesn’t response to my call anymore..The only thing I can do is to love her as much as i could..

When i starred oggy, she starred back..her face is not the face that i used to see..Her stare seem like full with deep meaning..worst part..she doen’t want to sleep on my arm anymore..

Two days ago i brought oggy to Veterinary clinic in Batu Rakit…its our first time there..sebelum ni slalu pergi Bukit Kecil. Serik rasanya bawak oggy ke veterinar bukit kecil after the this time we try Batu Rakit pula.After injection and some medication at the clinic, i bring back Oggy to my room with a big hope..unluckily..until today..Oggy still facing dificulty in pooping…the worst part is Oggy doesnt wants to eat or drinks anymore.

I cry badly last nite when Oggy don’t want to eat or drink anything. When i tried to feed her medicine, she muntah and her tongue seems licking her own nose over and over again.I don’t know what else to do…and all i wanted was my hubby to be with me to help Oggy.

This morning i try to search and study what is actually happened to oggy…I went through web by web..typing “cat doens’t poop”..”cat won’t pooping” and many more that related with cat and poop..most of the web end up with How to train cat poop in litter box..hampa seketika.. Then I search some more spending the whole morning searching..I read peoples comment about cat have difficulty in pooping and finally there was one guy say that the symptom is called intestinal blockage. When i type the word in the search engine..i get positive results..I read one by one..the symptom really match oggy’s problem..Finally..itulah penyakit oggy.. at least i know sumthing when i bring oggy to vet tomorrow..

Talking bout vet clinic pulak.., i spent the whole night yesterday searching for Swasta Veterinary Clinic.. Its really hard to find one in the web .balik2 keluar yang kerajaan punya..kecewa la dengan keadaan kerajaan punya vet clinic here in ganu walaupun ubat murah..Tak kisah la if they nak “up” kan harga to buat a better clinic…Kat negeri lain, tak pasti la pulak camana keadaannya.huhu..okay..sambung cerita..I went to “Kami Pencinta Kucing”(KPK) facebook website  and search some more since they have listed all veterinary clinic in Malaysia.tapi tetap hampa..they even mention that there are no clinic haiwan swasta in Terengganu…Tiba-tiba tergerak hati nak baca all the comment below the vet clinic list.Seems like i’n not the only person searching for the clinic swasta tu..ramai rupanya..hehe..Then I found this one comment mention about Dr. Nor Veterinary Clinic in Gong Kapas…Gembira seketika..Then I read some more and I found another one in Batu Burok iaitu Dr. Lee Vet clinic..Cukup da dua clinic tu.. 🙂 Yang Dr.Nor clinic tu siap ada blog lagi.. 🙂

I go dapatkan oggy who is sleeping on her tummy on the couch..and I kiss her…and telling oggy to wait a little bit more. Then oggy start purring and the sound makes me smile..I pat oggy and brush her hair and clean her montot. And later oggy start turning over seperti menyuruh sikat fur oggy kat bahagian belly..Terasa bahagia seketika…Sambil petting sambil pikir tomorrow’s plan..sewa kete?? what time nak btolak..nak letak oggy dalam apa??huhu..poket agak kering..elaun tak masuk2 laagi..aduyai..and the worst part…driving licence tamat tempoh..bertambah2 kacau jiwa ku seketika..

In my head ada Rose sorang je…takde sape dah yg bisa membantu esok..berdebar sangat masa nak tanya rose kalau-kalau dia ada kat terengganu or not..takut dia takde je since dia always outstation…After a few seconds…Rose reply..dia kat ganu and free je esok..hati ini pun melonjak kegembiraan.. Then I told Rose the situation..Rose pun decide will pick me up depan hostel esok at 830am in da morning..Syukur Alhamdulillah..Tiba-tiba teringat sangkar kucing kat luar rumah kak Nur kat dapur..decide to pinjam from her.. Kak Nur pun cakap”ok..pinjamla..tapi qis kena cuci skit..agak kotor”..huhu..takpe..kotor pun kotor la..sys kan seorang yang rajin..benda2 kotor memang takde masalah untuk dibersihkan.. 😉 ..Ramainya orang sayang and nak tolong oggy… I decide to left oggy there for the whole week..Biarla habis duit simpanan pun asalkan oggy sihat semula..To me..Oggy is not a pet but part of me and my family..Bila oggy sakit je..diri ini pun terasa sakitnya..anything happen to oggy will effect me too..Didoakan semoga Oggy cepat sembuh and back to normal..I really miss playing and sleeping with u..miss when u chasing me every petang when i arrive hostel..and miss being followed by you when I wanna go meeting , buy food or doing laundry…Miss every moment our fun time together.. Get well soon my baby..Hoping for miracle to happen tomorrow..