Archive | August, 2012

qischuque berbuka with PM

9 Aug

Today me and Ina berbuka with PM at Padang Nenas. We really had a great time.. and the food was great.. 🙂

Nak amik gambar Dato’ Seri Najib tapi terlindung plak. bila cek smula gambar, ada MB ganu laa..hehe Dato’ Seri Najib nampak songkok je..huhu

Dato’ Seri Najib menyampaikan zakat kepada orang-orang kampung yang layak. Elok gak PM sendiri yang bagi..kalau PM suh ketua -ketua cawangan yang bagi mesti tak sampai ke penerima..Dah banyak berlaku.mereka ambil untuk diri sendiri.. Sanggup mereka guna/makan wang tak halal.. Harap mereka-mereka ni akan berubah and insaf suatu hari nanti..huhuhu

That is me..hehe

Makanan di masak secara gotong royong..sedap..Well done guys.. 🙂 Tq PM 🙂

qischuque’s Batik Cake

5 Aug

This fasting month, I’ve been craving for batik cake..feel like making my very own  batik cake since all we need is peti to make one..not an oven..hehe ..I search the recipe in internet..there were many vesion of batik cake..i choose the simplest method which all the ingredients are  easy to get. bahan-bahan that I used are:

Marie biscuits 1 packet

Choc Malt 1 cup

coco powder 3/4 cup

susu pekat 3/4 cup then stir with 1 cup of  water


2 eggs

1) First I mix the choc malt and coco powder together with milk that I prepared earlier

2) Then stir it the stove..api kecik je tau..when everything seems homogen, masukkan buttercup 1/2. then kacau lagi until cair…

3) Then masuk 2 eggs and stir again..Bila semua seems sebati, we put marie biscuits yang dipecah empat. Then kacau again until all the biscuits bersalut.

4) Finally, masuk dalam bekas and press them biar padat and simpan dalam peti until it menjadi ala-ala semi solid.

5) B cakap sedap..boleh buat lagi pas nie..hehe..

Mixture of Choc malt, coco powder and milk

the melting buttercup

there my batik cake..tak sabar nak makan untuk berbuka.

pencuci mulut untuk berbuka..where is the main dish??

makanan berbuka petang tu..bestnya dapat masak untuk B

Ni pulak makanan berbuka pada hari sebelumnya..hehe