Archive | September, 2017

qischuque is back !!

4 Sep

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and hello everyone… its been so long since the last time i update my blog… where have i been in 2016 and 2017? or perhaps, even in 2015?? my last update was posted by the end of January,  year 2015.. hehe. Well… i’m still around and Alhamdulillah still given a chance to live on this earth together with my beautiful family.

FYI, until now,  my husband is the only follower (since i didn’t tell anyone that i have a blog…heheh)  but i do have readers.  I guess they came across this blog by accident while looking for information..hehe , by the way, thanks for reading and blog walking through my blog. u guys are always welcome  to read my writes. Not much info u can get since i mostly wrote about my life experience that i want to share and to read in the future..and of course akan ada element syok sendiri juga..hehe.. I also write this so that my baby can read it in the future. Inshaa Allah. 🙂

qischuque, PhD

2015 have been a truly remarkable year in my life. It is the year that i was awarded with PhD in Chemistry. After all those sleepless nights, weekend less week..puffy pandas eye..friendless.. introvert lone ranger.. weigh gain and being away with my love one, i finally did it. Thank you Allah for making this happened. syukur sangat.. i truly deserve this.. Anak ibu nanti kena rajin blajar macam ibu ye sayang. Ibu akan sentiasa doa anak ibu agar berjaya dunia dan akhirat.


Me and my lecturers who is also my friends during my PhD journey.

qischuque ibu to be

and later in that year in May 2015. i found out myself pregnant… 8 weeks pregnant.  I didn’t notice it since my menstrual cycle is 45 days..not like any other girl which is usually took 28 days. For your info, menstrual cycle may be different for each women. There was one of my friend back in my matriks day that have the cycle for only 14 days where she will have her period twice a month.

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The show was taken when i was  4 or 5 weeks pregnant and see how i belompat-lompat, berlari-lari… i didnt realize i was pregnant at the moment.. habis aktiviti sukaneka, sambung plak xtvt family day kat Legoland, semua roller coaster habis I naik. Photo taken during Family Day at Lotus Desaru, Johor.

Once i realize i was pregnant, i start to write a journal on my pregnancy journey in a book that my hubby gave me few days after our wedding..hehe. and because of that, I stop blogging..hehe..but now i feel like i wanna start blogging again.

Goshhhh..Guess I have to stop now.. it is 1.10 am already. I’m working tomorrow..i’ll continue blogging again after this to share about my pregnancy journey.. haha 2015 is a baking a bun year for me.. to be continue…